Kindergarten Graduation/6th Grade Promotion

Today we had our Kindergarten graduation, which also included a promotion ceremony for 6th grade. Including the 6th graders was a last minute idea, and it turned out to be the best idea ever. The 6th graders escorted the kindergarteners when walking in and each was announced by Miss Z as they walked through the doors. It was quite an emotional day for all of us sending our Kindergarteners off to 1st grade and our 6th graders off to their new chapter in middle school. Congratulations to all of you, we are beyond proud! Special shout to Ms. McKinney and her amazing 5th graders for making such incredible caps and tassels for the 6th graders on such short notice. Everything about today was perfect!

4th Quarter Awards

Yesterday, we had our final awards assembly of the year honoring those who earned Honor Roll and Principal’s List for 4th quarter. We also gave away our final Lionheart awards for the year, with Michael in 3rd grade winning the K-3 award and Harlan in 6th grade winning the 4-6 award. Congratulations on everyone’s hard work and accomplishments this year! I am so proud of all of you!

May Students of the Month

Today, we honored all of our May students of the month. Teachers look for students who are role models in class, that do their work, and who are responsible and respectful of others. Students will be featured on our Student of the Month board in the office at the beginning of next school year for all of August. Congratulations to the students who earned it for May!

Miss Z (Kinder)-Christian

Ms. Hallas (1st Grade)-JoAnn

Ms. V (2nd Grade)-Marilyn

Mr. K (3rd Grade)-Nora

Mr. Haight (4th Grade)-Leah

Mrs. McKinney (5th Grade)-Baze

Mrs. H (6th Grade)-Jaylene

Ms. Marquez (chose from entire school)-Anthony

Water Day!!

Last Friday, Water Day was the kick off to all of our fun end of the year events! Students and teachers had a blast going on water slides and a giant slip and slide. We even had a Kona Ice truck parked outside for everyone to enjoy giant snow cones!!

Flash Forward!

Today, each class got to spend an hour in their future grade level learning what to expect next year! Students also got to do a fun learning activity/game with their new teacher. Our 6th graders did something special; 7th graders from North Pointe who attended Canyon last year came over to talk to the 6th graders about the transition from Canyon to North Pointe. They also told them what kinds of fun activities/classes they get to take. The 6th graders had the opportunity to ask questions. Lastly, our Kindergarten teacher, Ms. Z, led an activity called Saving Sam for both the 6th and 7th graders to do together to get to know each other. Everyone is very excited for next school year!

Bingo Night!

Friday night was Bingo Night at Canyon, and we sure had a blast! We played lots of rounds of Bingo, had tons of yummy concessions, and our Bingo winners got to take home some new games to play with their families. We had a full house! Thank you to everyone who came, we had such a good time with you. We sure appreciated everyone’s help with the clean up at the end. Shout out to Mr. K for being the perfect Bingo emcee!